Things to do in Dublin; Hunter's Weekend Picks!

We're nearly there folks, the light at the end of the January tunnel is almost visible.  Keep the faith.  Some very varied events to tell you about and if you're still off the booze, all can be enjoyed with or without a sherry. We'll get to Scarlett in a minute.... Comedy: Des Bishop at Vicar Street  Speaking of booze, Des has recently given up the sauce and Just for Men but not the stand-up, thankfully.  He's just added 2 more dates in Vicar Street, the 14th Feb and the 10th June. So if you missed out on this weekends gig, you'll have another chance or 2 to see him in action. 12/11/15***NO REPRO FEE***Des Bishop launches his "Made in China" DVD in downtown Dublin. Ireland’s favourite Irish-American has returned to his adoptive home after spending almost a year in China and boy does Des Bishop have some stories to tell! Never one to shy away from a challenge, Des originally went to try to learn enough Chinese to master a stand up gig. What resulted in the twelve months that followed is hilariously regaled to us in his latest DVD release: Made in China available to own on Digital Download and DVD on 13 November. Pic: Marc O'Sullivan Get yisser tickets here:   Culture:  IFI + IMMA FILM SERIES: What We Call Love IMMA has teamed up with the IFI on a programme of films to partner their "What We Call Love: From Surrealism to Now". On Saturday 23 January there'll be a short talk introducing the film series in the context of the IMMA exhibition, 1.30pm, IFI. The films chosen are from the early days of cinema to the present and includes list below.  Tickets cost €7 per day with €5.50 concession rates for IFI and IMMA members.  IFI ticker holders can avail of a €5 concession rate to enter the exhibition What We Call Love, From Surrealism to Now.Un Chant d'Amour (A Song of Love) Dir: Jean Genet, 1950, 26 minutes, B&W, 35mm L'Age d'Or Dir: Luis Buñuel, 1930, 63 minutes, B&W, 35mm Under The Skin Dir: Jonathan Glazer, 2013, 108 minutes, Colour, Digital For tickets:   Event: Live Escape Dublin We must admit, we'd never heard of this type of thing until yesterday but apparently they're a worldwide phenomenon.Who knew?! Screen Shot 2016-01-22 at 13.01.42 Escape Dublin is a new, fun, challenging live exit game. They lock you up in a mysterious room, and give you exactly 60 minutes to get out. Sounds a little bit weird but intriguing and if you're still doing dry January, it's another way of getting locked :) More Details here: