The game console wars...

This week's announcement of details with the new Xbox stepped up anticipation for both the XBox One and the Playstation 4 and has plenty of people rethinking their tech purchases for the coming months. Why? Because game consoles have gone beyond being 'game' consoles and the decision on what to purchase can affect what you need, or don't need, in terms of TV subscription, tablet, laptop/PC, sound system or even phone. What will synch up? What will be obsolete? It's too early to call yet, especially with some services not going to be available when these consoles finally do reach the Irish market. So, for the time being, we'd say avoid the hype. The new XBox and Playstation will be pretty cool to have, but all the talk of one piece of technology covering everything you need is possibly just marketing talk. Plus there is still pretty awesome stuff happening on the current XBox, like the Deezer app which allows you to navigate the menu using the Kinect system and add up to three Deezer accounts on the one console. Essentially it turns your Xbox into a jukebox. We like.